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  • Lord Orsam

Diary of a Diary Defender

This was found under my floorboards this morning but I'm sure it's quite ancient and comes from the long-ago historical period when discussions about the diary were allowed:

I can confirm this diary is totally genuine.


6 May 2024

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Martin Howells
Martin Howells
Jun 10

Hi David,

  • You already know me by name: Martin Howells, one time Ripper author, and scriptwriter/director on Paul Feldman's video "The Diary of Jack the Ripper." I would like to correct you on one point: I am not, and never have been a "Diary believer." The real question for me has always been who wrote it and why?

  • Do get in touch if you'd like to talk further.

  • Best Wishes,

  • Martin Howells

Lord Orsam
Jul 10
Replying to

I didn't entirely understand why Martin Howells made his comment. He said: "I would like to correct you on one point: I am not, and never have been a "Diary believer." I was somewhat mystified by this because I don't believe I've ever described him as such. At the same time, I certainly do understand that no one wants to be thought of as a diary defender.

He also wanted to tell me/us that "The real question for me has always been who wrote it and why?"

I think the answer to that one is quite easy: Mike Barrett and at least one other, for money.

He invited me to get in touch with him if I'd like to talk…


May 07


I must protest most vigorously. Your diary does not give a single date! A proper diary should have specific dates indelibly stamped on every page!


Maughm Titchell.

Lord Orsam
May 07
Replying to

When I called it a "Diary" I meant a "Journal". No one in their right mind would call it a "Diary" or even think of it in such a way.


May 06
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Try as I might I can’t find one anachronism in your diary.

I can only conclude that this is the most exciting and genuine diary I have read in many a year since the Adrian Mole discovery in 82.

This blows both the 1983 Hitler Annual and the 1992 Maybrick summer special out of the water in terms of authenticity.

If you confess to having forged it at some point in the future, I for one won’t believe you.

Lord Orsam
May 07
Replying to

You won't be laughing so much when you see the watch I bought in a shop. It has scratches.


May 06
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I hope you called the publishers within a couple of hours of your discovery as any other course of action would be just weird.

I would also seek out a duplicate to hand to the authorities should anyone come knocking as that also seems like a perfectly normal thing to do.

Lord Orsam
May 06
Replying to

I've already left a message for Martin Earl to call me back. A contract is also in the process of being drawn up with Rupert Crew Limited, and I believe someone called Shirley Harrison will be writing the book. Just to be clear, I do not know any electrician called Eddie Lyons and I didn't meet him down the pub earlier today.


May 06
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

That parody is totally indefensible David.🙂

Lord Orsam
May 06
Replying to

Hmmmm....second mention of a "parody" in these comments. I do hope you guys aren't suggesting this diary is a fake. I will defend its authenticity to my dying breath. I am, in other words, a Diary of a Diary Defender Defender.

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